Due to a personal crisis, the Harry Fear has regretfully had to…

The Al-Ikhlaas Academia Library 5-a-side Soccer Challenge, held on Sunday 10 November…

by Peter Frankopan.
Book reviewed by Shabodien Roomanay
I love history. I love history.…

At what was billed as a “soft launch” of an ordinary looking…

A packed Al Ikhlaas Academia Library witnessed an important occasion on Sunday…
The Qurʾān is the literal word of God, the sacred scripture of…

The Al Ikhlaas Academia Library, since its opening in 2016, was privileged…
One of the most modern libraries in the world is the Mohammed…
Register online and get a chance to meet the professors for your…
U.S. Black Newspapers, Ethnic News and other magazines are available in the…